British Silver Month at The Scottish Gallery


20Celebrating silver for a whole month – that sounds like something out of dream to me. But it’s exactly what they are doing at The Scottish Gallery in Edinburgh for July 2011.

Some of Britain’s finest silversmiths and enamelers will exhibit work at the gallery for British Silver Month. And you can get a chance to see my work there as well.

The Scottish Gallery is very special to me, as they were the first gallery to offer me a Solo Show, back in 2005. I had just been presented with the International Rotary Association’s ‘Leonardo da Vinci Prize’ and I spent six months designing and making new work for the exhibition.

All my layered work was born during that period up to the exhibition in 2005, and I’ve been developing it since – the candlesticks are ‘children’ of that work.

Having a prominent & well established gallery give you that trust and support, so early on in your carrier, as The Scottish Gallery did to me (I graduated  in 2003) is beyond describingly valuable.

All I can say is: I’m really grateful. And GO SEE the exhibition.

The exhibition British Silver Month opens on 2nd July 2011, and there will be talks and opportunities to meet artists, so make sure you check out The Scottish Gallery for dates and follow them on Twitter for updates.


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